** AGM - Calling all BRHA members!!! **
It’s that time of year when we’re thinking about our AGM. This year it will be held on our last game day of the season - 24th June at 6pm at Bordon Roller Rink. We will set up in the soft play room, next to the cafe area, and present to you an update of what we’ve done this season and announce some of our plans for next season.
A huge amount of work has gone in to the league behind the scenes in the last six months, resolving challenges in many different areas and putting in place solid ground work to give us the best chance to grow in the future and become the strongest we’ve ever been!
I will post the agenda nearer the time but we will be covering topics such as:
- Junior age group reclassification
- Senior game format
- Replacement Fixtures Secretary
- Replacement Junior Coordinator
- Update on 2017/18 season
- Plans for next year
- Financial summary
If you are interested in putting yourself forward for consideration for either of the above two roles, please send me a message or email secretary@brha.co. These roles will go to majority vote at the AGM.
We expect the AGM to finish around 7:30pm and we will look to provide light refreshments to those in attendance.
I hope you can join us on the day as we have loads to shout about! This is your league and your opportunity to have you say!